Professional Learning Network

It is interesting to realize just how many resources we have. This week our CEP810 assignment was to create a Popplet (See image below) depicting the professional network we have access to. Mine includes social media, websites, my peers and colleagues – past and present, and professional developments within the district and through the ISD. 

Professional Learning Networks


I had not realized how many sources I was already connected to. Especially as a new teacher, sometimes one can feel all alone as the single authority in a classroom setting. Already, though, I can see that I have an entire support system working towards the same goals. I am excited to see this network grow through the use of technology introduced throughout this course.

One thought on “Professional Learning Network

  1. You’ve certainly fleshed out the network quite nicely, and it does pay to have so many connections. The real mojo comes through leveraging those connections, as you’ve pointed out. If you can effectively tap into some of those resources, there’s a lot of power to be had; check out Twitter Math Camp for just one powerful example of educators coming together based solely on their interactions via social media. I’ll be curious to see where more “webs” start to form as you dive a bit deeper into your PLN, and make connections among the various nodes on your chart.


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